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Career Advancement Profile


Purpose: CADVP was developed to evaluate how prepared a person is for an advancement in his or her career. It will provide information on whether an employee has the attitude, traits, and behaviors needed to move up the ladder.


No. of questions: 46

Question type: Situational, self-report

Estimated completion time: 15 minutes

Shorter versions of assessment: N/A


Report Includes:

  • Summary

  • Introduction

  • Graphs

  • Detailed narrative interpretation

  • Strengths and Limitations

  • Advice

  • Impression management


Factors and Scales:

Overall Score plus 2 factors, divided into 8 scales:


1) Healthy Motivators: Different types of motivators that drive people to succeed.

  • Growth: Desire to gain new skills and eagerness to grow.

  • Responsibility: Interest in gaining new and expanded responsibilities.

  • Leadership: Desire to take on a leadership role.

  • Stimulation: Assesses whether a more stimulating environment is needed.


2) Preparedness: Degree to which a person is mentally and emotionally prepared for advancement.

  • Confidence: Degree of self-confidence that is exhibited in the workplace.

  • Initiative: Tendency to display proactive behavior.

  • Coping with Stress: Assesses how well stressful situations are handled.

  • Adaptability: Ability to deal with changes in the work environment.



  • Pre-employment

  • Personal & professional development

  • Motivation tool

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