Career Fit (Vocational Style & Personality) Assessment
Purpose: VoSPA is designed to assess a person’s interests, values, and preferences surrounding his or her career. It will provide information about what motivates and interests a person, and offers career suggestions that best suit his or her profile.
No. of questions: 260
Question type: Self-assessment, situational
Estimated completion time: 120 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: N/A
Report Includes:
Detailed narrative interpretation
Career matches
Factors and Scales:
5 factors divided into 31 scales:
Career Interests: This encompasses the type of tasks a person would enjoy doing on a daily basis – the general “theme” of a typical workday. These interests are known as the Holland Codes.
Intelligence Types: Based on Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Assesses areas of intelligence in which a person excels.
Work Orientation: The basis of a person’s job preferences. Provides a general overview of the type of career path that best suits a person’s preferences and strengths.
Work Styles: Characterizes the type of employee a person would be – what drives him or her, and the type of assets he/she would bring to a company.
Work Values: Assesses what is important for a person to achieve in his/her career, and the type of characteristics he/she might look for in a company. The type of assets he/she would bring to a company.
Career guidance
Professional development
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