Listening Skills Inventory
Purpose: LiSI will assess how attentive a person is to a speaker, and whether he or she is an active participant in the listening process.
No. of questions: 54
Question type: Situational, self-report
Estimated completion time: 15 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: N/A
Report Includes:
Detailed narrative interpretation
List of Strengths an Limitations
Factors and Scales:
Overall Score plus 2 factors, divided into 7 scales:
Physical Attentiveness: Use of verbal and non-verbal language to indicate attentiveness.
Mental Attentiveness: Mentally “tuning-in” to a speaker, and being willing and able to offer undivided attention.
External Distractions: Ability to pay attention despite background noise.
Conversation Flow: Tendency to interrupt or otherwise disrupt conversation flow.
Speaker to Listener Transition: Level of comfort with being the listener rather than speaker.
Body Language: Use of body language to convey interest and attentiveness.
Internal Distractions: Ability to pay attention despite internal conflict.
Attention Span: Ability to pay attention to a speaker for an extended period of time.
Hearing a Person Out: Ability to listen with an open mind.
7 scales:
External Distractions
Conversation Flow
Speaker to Listener Transition
Body Language
Internal Distractions
Attention Span
Hearing a Person Out
Training tool
Professional/Skills development
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