Time Management Evaluation
Purpose: TIME will assess whether an individual employs effective time management strategies and habits, and how his or her approach may be helping or hindering his or her work performance
No. of questions: 31
Question type: Self-report
Estimated completion time: 10 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: N/A
Report Includes:
Detailed narrative interpretation
List of Strengths an Limitations
Factors and Scales:
Overall Score plus 3 scales:
Efficiency: Assesses whether a person is able to use time productively, and whether he/she has a tendency to employ timesaving techniques.
Diligence: Assesses whether a person perseveres in the face of distraction, or whether he/she has a tendency to procrastinate.
Organization: Assesses whether a person is able to maintain an orderly work environment and tends to approach tasks in a systematic manner.
Training tool
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