Work Integrity Test
Purpose: WINT is intended to provide supplemental information on a person’s potential for dishonest behavior in the work environment.
No. of questions: 59
Question type: Situational, self-report
Estimated completion time: 35 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: N/A
Report Includes:
Detailed narrative interpretation
Areas of concern
Impression Management
Factors and Scales:
Overall Score plus 4 scales:
Lenient Attitude Towards Dishonest Behavior: Examines the extent to which a person feels that dishonest behaviors are wrong, and how severely he/she thinks they should be punished.
Perceived Frequency of Dishonest Behavior: Assesses a person’s perception of how often others engage in dishonest behaviors.
Rationalizing of Dishonest Behavior: Assesses whether a person tends to make excuses for dishonest behavior or thinks that under certain circumstances, such behavior is acceptable.
Self-reported Dishonesty: Assesses self-reported past behavior, and how a person thinks he/she would react to various situations where there is a temptation to act in a dishonest manner.
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